Wednesday, July 14, 2010


According to Ann McIndoo, writing coach and former protege of Tony Robbins, it's doable.

I'm going to listen to her teleseminar tomorrow and find out where I've gone wrong. It's taken me eight months to write 61,000 words on my memoir, and it's still nowhere near completion.
I can write fast. I've written 6,000 words in a sitting on more than one occasion. Working at that pace would mean I'd have myself a 60,000-word piece of non-fiction in less than two weeks.

The problem? The sixty thousand words would be garbled garbage. The sentences sloppy, the word choice careless, everything so far out of order you'd think you were watching the movie Memento. Don't put it past me to change the POV right in the middle of my own memoir.

Ann doesn't say anything about the editing process in her promo material, but I'm sure it will be addressed, along with the twin devils of procrastination and insecurity.

Join me on Twitter manana, where I'll tweet the highlights of this phone conference starting at 11:00 am Pacific Time. Together we will see if it's possible to write your book in 90 days!:

@WriterRevolt    Chain self to desk

@WriterRevolt    Disconnect Internet

@WriterRevolt    Come up with subject for book

@WriterRevolt    turn Internet back on, search for subject

@WriterRevolt    Come up with title for book

@WriterRevolt    as soon as subject nailed down

@WriterRevolt    Yippee! Why no one told me it this easy 2 b author

@WriterRevolt    B rite back after coffee

@WriterRevolt    READY 2 WRITE THAT BOOK!!

@WriterRevolt   Forgot to take Scooter for walk. Back in 5

@WriterRevolt   Chapter 1

@WriterRevolt   2 late to work now. Better start fresh tomorrow

@WriterRevolt   89 days till blast-off!!!!

See you tomorrow for real-time authorship lessons!

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